want to enhance your well-being, exponentially?

Well, I have been using the Earthing technology since November 2007, and the results have been suttle but enormous. Not only am I more "grounded" (not as spastic in getting things done), but I am more focused in my activities (including sleeping!), less hungry, and more productive. I have 2 friends who feel that their lives have changed dramatically, because they feel more rested, have bundles of energy, and even starting to build muscle mass but their workouts haven't changed! I can't explain it, but these websites can. Visit the main Earthed website and read through the entire website to get an understanding of the technology it uses. More importantly, read the Science and Research behind this technology and listen to their Audios. Great and interesting stuff! I have a sleeping pad on my bed, and I used it in my studio as a part of my massage practice. I hope you can feel as great as I do!

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i'm a vegan...how about you?

WHAT'S A VEGAN? As defined by the Vegan Society, veganism is "a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practical—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose." A vegan (one who practices veganism) does not consume or use animal products, notably meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products. For more information, visit Wikipedia.

IS VEGETARIANISM A FAD? No way! Vegetarianism has enjoyed a long and diverse history and has been preserved in most cultures since the very beginnings of time. Visit the Vegetarian Society's website and read through the varied history of vegetarianism.

Order a free Vegetarian Starter Guide with delicious recipes at TryVeg.org.

Have you wanted to make a healthy change, but have been unsure how to take the veg plunge? The VEGPLEDGE will help you do it!

Print a pocket-sized Cruelty-Free Shopping Guide. This is a listing of companies that do not test their products on animals.

Some statistics:
Researchers from University of Chicago, Eshel and Pamela Martin, found that the average North American diet with meat (including all food processing steps) produces an extra 1.5 tons of greenhouses gases per year compared to a no-meat diet (Christian Science Monitor).

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activism for food


Despite a September 2006 survey that found 64% of North Americans are repulsed by the idea of eating food from cloned animals (cattle, swine, goats), the FDA has announced that milk, eggs, and meat from cloned animals will soon be allowed on the market ... stating that there likely will be NO REQUIRED LABELING. Public comment period is now closed as of May 3, 2007 (no other extensions have been issued). For more details and updates, visit Animal Cloning and Food Safety.


Peter Jennings exlores how the food industry spends billions of dollars to sabotage your health. He takes a critical look at US government's agriculture subsidy programs, and their unintended consequences on your nutritional choices and health. For example, sugar and fat receive 20 times more government farming subsidies than fruit and vegetables. Learn how misleading advertising, food additives, and a corrupt subsidy system have undermined US public health. A MUST SEE! It's in 5 parts, take some time to watch the clips and then think about supporting your local Co-ops, changing your diets, and buying organic foods!


I posted some MUST SEE video clips about aspartame and natural flavors. These videos include interviews with highly respected doctors, neurosurgeons, federal health officials, and individuals who lay out clearly the high risks of ingesting excitotoxins like aspartame (trade names of NutraSweet, Equal) and MSG, and the major cover-up by elements of government and industry to keep these risks out of the public eye. Watch Sweet Misery and the Fox clip about sweeteners.


If you are not familiar with genetically engineered (GE) foods, you MUST SEE the movie, The Future of Food (even Netflix has it!). If you can't wait to see the movie and want to read about it, there is a well-written book, Seeds of Deception, that is worth its read. You can also read a 10-page summary about Seeds of Deception and GE foods. It's the food you eat...learn about it, fast! Here's a local article of an interview with Jeffery Smith about his new book, Genetic Roulette, detailing the GMO (genetically modified organism) safety trials, 65 health risks, and the underlying nexus of powers behind the proliferation of GMOs and GE foods. Lastly, the PSRAST website discuss the safety problems of GE foods the way the layman can understand!


American Crystal, a larage Wyoming-based sugar company and several other leading US sugar providers have announced they will be sourcing their sugar from GE sugar beets beginning this year and will be arriving in stores in 2008. Half of the granulated sugar in the US comes from sugar beets, a move toward GE beets marks a dramatic alteration of the US food supply! Like GE corn and GE soy, products containing GE sugar will not be labeled as such. These sugars are found in many conventional food products, so consumers will be exposed to GE ingredients in just about every non-organic multiple ingredient product they purchase. Hershey are urging farmers not to plant GE sugar beets, noting that consumer surverys suggest resistance to the product. The European Union has not approved GE sugar beets for human consumption...


A new federal regulation will require that all almonds grown in California to be sterilized with various "pasteurization" techniques starting on September 1, 2007. The most commonly used method for sterilization is using propylene oxide fumigation which is banned in the European Union, Canada, Mexico, to name a few. The new rule also supports no labeling requirements. For commercial almonds that have been roasted or blanched, they will be labeled as "raw almonds". Nor will the labels specify which pasteurization treatment was used. Cornucopia and other stakeholders are calling for increased public pressure on the USDA for a full review of its almond pasteurization order. The public who want to protect their right to untreated domestic raw almonds can visit Cornucopia's website for action alerts and other materials helping them voice their concerns to key decisions makers.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

welcome to my blog!

Hi Everyone Visiting!

Thank you for checking out these digs. It's been taking awhile to setup, but I'm getting there. Definitely stop by when you are seeking information and have questions and/or comments. I hope to make this an area for learning and for fun. Enjoy!

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quote central

Maintaining and improving your health is a rewarding,
fighting illness and disease a grueling experience.

All life has protein in every cell. The ideal diet consists of fresh, organic, whole, raw, ripe fruits and vegetables, plus fats such as avacado, seeds, and nuts. This provides us with sufficient protein. (Dr. Doug Graham)

Eating a vegetarian diet, walking every day, and meditating, is considered radical. Allowing someone to slice your chest open and graft your leg veins to your heart is considered normal and conservative. (Dr. Dean Ornish)

Nothing can be more beneficial to human health while increasing the chances of survival of life on Earth, than the change to a vegetarian diet. (Albert Einstein)

People become vegetarians for one of three reasons: health, the environment, or animal rights. People remain vegetarians when they embrace all three reaseons. (Dr. Doug Graham)

A human being can be healthy without killing animals for food. If you eat meat, you participate in taking animal life merely for the sake of your appetite. (Leo Tolstoy)

Industrial wastes sold as health enhancers: whey, fluoride, bran, chlorine, nitrates, radioactive waste, molasses, yeast, gelatin, juices, bone meal, sea salt, etc. (Dr. Doug Graham)

As long as Man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love. (Pythagoras)

All cruelty springs from weakness. (Seneca)

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activism resources for food & animals

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